Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Spain - February 2023

Jarrett and I visited Spain together for the first time in February 2023 for three weeks.  After a quick layover in Amsterdam, Netherlands, we went to Madrid; Oviedo in Asturias; Códoba, Sevilla, Alcalá de los Gazules, and Vejer de la Frontera in Andalusia.  We also made it to the south coast of Spain near the Strait of Gibraltar, and saw Africa in the haze.  I took only a couple of photos in Madrid, since I was not walking around the city with my expensive camera and I was not feeling the tourist vibe while there.  I found parts of Madrid beautiful, and the history was rich, but it was another large capitol city in this world.  Once we left the big city, and moved onto the smaller cities and towns, I was able to enjoy myself more.  (Although, driving in Spain was an eye-opener.  They drive fast, but are much more courteous than drivers in the U.S.) The history that exists in any place in Europe can be a bit overwhelming, but it is also amazing to see. And seeing the mosque in Códoba and a church from the 9th century in Oviedo was amazing. I hope that you enjoy my little part of Spain as much as I enjoyed taking the photos. ¡Disfruta! Enjoy! 

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Madrid: Plaza Mayor

Madrid: Muslim Walls

Oviedo, Asturias: 

The look out our window at our rental home; just before sunrise, and late afternoon. 

Oviedo: Iglesia de Santa María del Naranco and Iglesia de San Miguel de Lillo (both built in the 9th Century C.E./A.D.)

Parque Natural de Somiedo (Somiedo Natural Park), Asturias

The Asturian Coast (Cantabrian Sea)

European Robin

Códoba, Andalucía: 

Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba (Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba)

Puente Romano de Córdoba (Roman Bridge of Córdoba)

(Translation: Without water, there is no life)

Templo Romano (Roman Temple), Córdoba

Parque Natural Los Alcornocales, Cadiz, Andalucia
(One place in the world where cork is harvested for wine corks, corkboards, etc.)

Griffon Vulture (Andalucia)

Alcalá de Los Gazules, Andalucia: This was home-base for the last week of our trip. 

Strait of Gibraltar: South Coast of Andalucia


North coast of Africa (foreground is Spain)

Tarifa Beach

Vejer de la Frontera, Andalucia

Arcos de la Frontera, Andalucia

Sunset on Madrid: Last night of vacation

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